What is the South Wing? Where is the Candle Stand? A Guide to Church Building Terminology

Due to our growing community, we thought it would be helpful to highlight a few items related to our main building, St. Paul Church, that new parishioners may not know.

South Wing

The South Wing is the area to the left of the Sanctuary. We use this for handicapped and additional seating for weekend and holiday Masses. It is also used as a gathering spot for our Hospitality Weekends. There is a kitchen there as well. Larger presentations and meetings are also held there, including some Faith Formation classes.





The Library is on our lower level, which can be accessed via the white double doors on the ground level in the back parking lot or via the stairs in the office wing to the right of the Sanctuary. Yes, this does have a large bookshelf with books that people are invited to borrow, but it also serves as another meeting space. The Faith Formation, Deacons, Communications, and Ministry offices are also on this level.





Parish Center, Main Street

The Parish Center, formerly known as the Knights of Columbus building, is located to the left of the main church if you face the church from Main Street. The Knights still use this building for their regular meetings and gatherings, but it is also an additional meeting space for the Parish. It has two levels that can both be used. It also houses the office of the Director of Music Ministries.





Prayer Basket

The Prayer Basket is a large basket located by the altar rail. On it, there are pre-printed cards on which parishioners may write their private prayer intentions and place them in the basket. The Parish prays for these intentions at every Mass.





Candle Stand

The Candle Stand is located to the left of the Altar in the nook between the statues of Mary and Joseph. Parishioners are welcome to light a candle in honor of a loved one or for a personal intention. There is a small free-will donation box on the stand.