Feb. 13: Parish Book Club Meeting

The next Parish Book Club meeting will be on Thur., Feb. 13, at 1 p.m., in the education wing of the St. Paul campus.

The book selection is Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks. This book, published in September 2024, is a fictional story that features 83-year-old Jasper, who lives alone in a cabin bordering a national forest. According to the author, “I knew I wanted to feature a character who finds purpose and guidance through religion, even after surviving a tragedy that would make anyone question how a benevolent God could allow such suffering. The intention was not to write a religious book but instead to write a religious character that serves as a vehicle to re-examine this existential question. Grief and loss remain universal truths. Love is not without loss, and to grieve means you had something worth grieving.”

This book is available on Amazon and on the Barnes & Noble website. If you need assistance getting a book, please contact the parish office.

PLEASE NOTE: Even if you have attended a book club meeting in the past, please sign up for this event using the form below so that we can plan for the correct number of attendees. If you are new to the group, further information will be sent to you.