Readings for this Mass may be found here.
Music for this services is as follows:
- Prelude: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion, from The Messiah by Georg Friedrich Handel, Emily Rose Walsh, soloist
- Opening Hymn: O Come, Divine Messiah
- Welcoming: Gathered in the Love of Christ
- Psalm: My Soul Rejoices in my God
- Chant: Alleluia
- Offertory: Christ, Circle Round Us
- Holy Holy Holy
- Mystery of Faith: We proclaim your death O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again.
- Amen
- Lamb of God
- Meditation: Instrumental
- Closing/Communion: Salve Regina
For those unable to partake in Holy Communion today, please find here the Prayer of the Act of Spiritual Communion
Permission to stream the music in this Mass obtained from One License with license #731488-A7/19