Starting Nov. 27 and Nov. 28 – the First Sunday of Advent – SS. Isidore and Maria Parish begins using worship aids at all weekend liturgies.
These worship aids will be your guide to all music and responses for the weekend celebration of Mass. This change is intended to help everyone to better participate in the liturgy, and allow for the use of any music. These factors combined will add to the variety and quality of our worship.
Ushers will distribute worship aids to parishioners as they enter the church for Mass. The aids may also be found on the tables and counters near the entrances to St. Paul Church. Each person may take one, though large families may choose to share two or three copies. It is our intent to “reuse” the Worship Aids from Mass to Mass within a given weekend.
To save our natural resources in accordance with Pope Francis’s Laudato Si encyclical, we request that parishioners return the worship aids to the entrances when leaving the church at the conclusion of Mass.
In addition, the worship aid will be made available each week as a downloadable PDF, available on the parish website and in association with our live streams. Questions? Email us.