Here is the November 2022 Pastoral Council Snapshot of topics discussed at the council’s last meeting on Mon., Nov. 14, 2022:
MEMBERSHIP – The current members of the pastoral council are:
- Father Mark Suslenko
- Deacon Bill Dziatko
- Deacon Steve Weaver
- Terry Bedard
- Donna Berger
- Kim Franklin
- Rob Gingras
- Megan Grindle
- Sarah Johnson
- Mary Kate Hallisey
- Erin Sullivan
- Tod Umback
- Damien Walsh
Trish Quinn and Jeff Minkos recently announced their decisions to leave the pastoral council. We thank them for their service to the pastoral council and to the parish. We welcomed a new member to the pastoral council. Rob Gingras brings a wealth of experience. His ideas and energy are much appreciated.
DEMOGRAPHICS/NEEDS SURVEY: Father Mark brought the pastoral council up to date with the ongoing demographic changes in the archdiocese. The pastoral council is proactively preparing for these changes, including working with the various ministries to provide a welcoming atmosphere. Pastoral council members are being asked to take leadership roles within the parish to further assist Father Mark in the pastoral care of all. The pastoral council is developing a “needs assessment” for parishioners. This will assist us in determining what types of services could more efficiently and appropriately address the needs of our community. Once we have the results from the survey, we will be seeking volunteers with varying expertise to assist with helping to address these needs.
THANKSGIVING: The parish is assisting those in need of food for Thanksgiving. Those requesting food assistance should call the office at 860-633-9419.