Here is the December 2022 Pastoral Council Snapshot of topics discussed at the council’s last meeting on Mon., Dec. 5, 2022:
- The Liturgy of the Hours: Father Mark introduced the Council to “The Liturgy of the Hours.” The Liturgy of the Hours is an ancient tradition. It features readings from Holy Scripture (particularly the Psalms) that are prayed in the morning, the evening, and nighttime by all priests and deacons worldwide. In keeping with the Pastoral Council’s leadership role, the prayers contained in the Liturgy of the Hours bring a focus to the Pastoral Council reflective of the larger mission of the Catholic Church. Pastoral council members will pray the Liturgy of the Hours to enhance their daily prayer lives. This prayer form will also be used at our meetings.
- Social Ministry: Father Mark has been Interested in bringing greater awareness and understanding to the parish of Catholic Social Justice Teaching. He has been talking with a couple of parishioners interested in this ministry. Catholic Social Justice involves more than simply assisting those in need. Father Mark noted that Social Justice Ministry is very appealing and relevant to parishioners in their twenties and thirties. More details regarding social ministry will be forthcoming following the results of further discussions with the Archdiocesan Office of Catholic Social Justice Ministry.
- Hospitality Social Weekend: Coffee/And will be getting a new look! Parishioners have noted that access to the downstairs is difficult for some, and use of the library also conflicts with Faith Formation on some weekends. As a result, we will move the “coffee and” location to the south wing of St. Paul Church and change the time to follow the 11:15 Mass. The “11:15 Hospitality Social” will be held on the first weekend of each month unless there is a conflict. There will also be a movement away from donuts to other types of foods and pastries. It is hoped that the new time and location will encourage more people to attend. The Wine and Cheese social after the 4:00 pm vigil would also be held in the south wing on the first weekend of each month. Together, this would be called “Hospitality Weekend.” These will begin in January.
- Vincent de Paul Society: The St. Vincent de Paul Society location at the St. Paul campus is officially closed. The parish is coordinating with the Town of Glastonbury food pantry. Parishioners in need can call the Parish Office for more information. Please DO NOT bring any food items to parish facilities except those directly requested for Immacare. We no longer have a food pantry or a place to store them. Parishioners will receive further direction on how they can assist with helping those in need in short order. The Council thanks our parishioners for their understanding and cooperation.
The Pastoral Council meets regularly to consider and discuss matters pertaining to our parish’s Pastoral and Spiritual needs. Click here to share your thoughts with the Pastoral Council.