Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday) (April 6, 2023)

Welcome to the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday) on April 6, 2023 from SS. Isidore and Maria Parish at St. Paul Church, Glastonbury, Connecticut

Today’s readings
Today’s worship aid

Opening Hymn: Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist
Reception of the Holy Oils
Renewal of Priestly Ministry/Renewal of the Ministry Commitment
Kyrie Eleison
First Reading: Exodus: 12:1-8, 11-14
Psalm: Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ
Second Reading: St. Paul to the Corinthians: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Gospel Acclamation: Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ
Gospel reading: John 13: 1-15
Mandatum (Washing of the Feet): So You Must Do/Jesus Took a Towel (solo)
Universal Prayer
Offertory: Praise to the Holiest in the Height
Holy Holy Holy
Mystery of Faith: We proclaim your death O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again.
Lamb of God
Communion: Ubi Caritas
Meditation: Panis Angelicus, Emily Walsh, soprano, and Tim Proctor, tenor
Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament/Procession: Pange Lingua
Adoration: Tantum Ergo
Final Song: Stay Here, Keep Watch, and Pray
Stripping of the Sanctuary/Psalm 22

For those unable to partake in Holy Communion, please find here the Prayer of the Act of Spiritual Communion.

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