The time has come for a significant change to the SS. Isidore and Maria Parish Music Ministry: the installation of a new (to us) organ at St. Paul Church.
The current organ has served St. Paul since the 1970s (1974, according to the account of a seasoned parishioner). The life expectancy of electronic organs of that era was about 40 years. As the organ nears its 50th year, it becomes more prone to failure, and parts are difficult (if not impossible) to find. Maintenance has become burdensome and expensive, and the sound samples, processing, and output are incredibly obsolete. Therefore, the time has come to replace it.
An Organ Fund was established some years ago through the blessings and generosity of parishioners, both past and present. Utilizing that fund, and after a recent search and significant due diligence, St. Paul is acquiring a fitting instrument: an Allen organ, model MDS-36. It is a two-manual console with draw-knob stops, 40 main sounds, and many additional options. It will serve St. Paul Church for the foreseeable future until we can invest in a more significant upgrade, at which point this new-to-us organ will be moved to St. Augustine Church to serve the parish at that location.
The organ removal and installation is scheduled for Tues., Apr. 25. If you stop by the church that day, you may encounter some hustle-and-bustle as the old organ is hoisted down and the new one up to the choir loft. The process should take the best part of that day.
Anyone interested is welcome to come up to the loft after Masses this weekend (April 22 & 23) to bid farewell to our current organ. You can even play it for a moment!! Similarly, one and all are welcome to see and hear the new organ in action starting the weekend of April 30 or any weekend after that. By the way, the choir loft is always open to visitors (after Mass is best) to learn more about the work of the Music Ministry.
Thank you to everyone for their enthusiastic support of this important liturgical ministry.
Musically, thankfully, in the Joy of the Risen Christ,
David Garrido-Cid
Director of Music Ministries
SS. Isidore and Maria Parish