Has the recent economic downturn been putting a squeeze on your finances? Are you worried about how you’ll afford food, shelter, fuel, or health care? Do you know where to turn for help? The SS. Isidore and Maria Parish Finance Council is here to walk with you on your journey.
Some parish Finance Council members are available to meet with you confidentially to help gather information needed to apply to the Town of Glastonbury for various economic relief programs offered by their Department of Social Services. This can be daunting and time-consuming for some, but with a Finance Council member’s time, expertise, and guidance, you’ll be in the best possible position to receive eligible services.
This service is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. For more information or to schedule your confidential appointment with a Finance Council member, don’t hesitate to contact the main office at contact@isidoreandmaria.org, or 860-633-9419.
Please note: The Town of Glastonbury Department of Social Services determines service eligibility.