The SS. Isidore and Maria Parish Haiti ministry needs your help to provide burial clothes for the deceased in Haiti.
It is common for a funeral to cost more than a family earns in a single year in Haiti. Through generously sharing our time, talent, and treasure, our parish will prepare and send burial clothes to Haiti so that the deceased may be buried with dignity. There are various ways that you can help out with this effort:
- The most significant need right now is volunteers to sew finished edging along the sheet. Supplies and simple instructions are provided. Sewing is at your own pace in the convenience of your home.
- Donate clean, stain-free white sheets. Flat sheets are preferred but fitted can also be used.
- Make a monetary donation to help cover the materials and shipping costs. Please place donations in the offertory kiosk in an envelope marked “Haiti Ministry.”
For more information on how to help support this critical work by helping with the sewing or donating sheets, don’t hesitate to contact parishioner Chris Delissio at 860-633-2946, orĀ 860-888-1913.