October 2023 Pastoral Council Snapshot

Pastoral Council Snapshot from the October 9, 2023 Meeting:

  • A leader for the Hospitality Ministry is needed. This person will oversee and coordinate the volunteers hosting hospitality weekends and fellowship after Evening Prayer.  If you are interested, please contact Father Mark, any member of the Pastoral Council, or the parish office at 860-633-9419.
  • A complete overhaul of the St. Paul sound system is underway. Most everything is being replaced. Rewiring has been completed. Full implementation is expected during the second week of November.
  • There was overwhelmingly positive feedback from the Enders Island retreat. Themes for another retreat are being considered now.
  • The Pastoral Council is working to identify coordinators for various components of a children’s ministry. Please contact Brittany Solony for more information.

The current members of the Pastoral Council Members are Terry Bedard, Donna Berger, Deacon Bill Dziatko, Kim Franklin, David Garrido-Cid, Rob Gingras, Megan Grindle, Mary Kate Hallisey, Sarah Johnson, Brittany Solony, Tod Umbach, Damien Walsh, and Deacon Steve Weaver.

The Pastoral Council meets regularly to consider and discuss our parish’s Pastoral and Spiritual needs. Click here to share your thoughts with the Pastoral Council