Our local food bank is struggling. The number of households utilizing the Glastonbury Town Food Bank each month has increased to approximately 185. This concerns all who are passionate about the issue of food insecurity, particularly those who are part of the Just Faith/Social Justice Ministry.
To ensure the shelves are fully stocked to serve our community, the funds collected this year from the SS. Isidore and Maria Parish Advent Giving Program will be earmarked for the Glastonbury Town Food Bank. The agencies that have benefited in the past from the Advent Giving Program (ImmaCare, House of Bread, Little Sisters of the Poor) will continue to be supported through other Social Action Ministry initiatives in the parish. Donation envelopes are available at the entrances/exits of the church. Please return your donation envelope to the offertory kiosks or mail your donation to the Parish Office, noting the Advent Giving Program, by December 17. Checks should be made payable to SS. Isidore and Maria Parish.
To make an online donation, please use the form below.