Pastoral Council Snapshot from the Feb. 12, 2024 Meeting:
- Looking for about 12 people to volunteer during Lent to have their feet washed. Please contact the parish office.
- Reserve April 28 at 11:15 a.m. for a Mass with Archbishop Coyne. Reception to follow.
- A lector workshop will take place for all readers in March.
- The Advent collection raised $6,600 for the Glastonbury Food Bank. We’re looking to volunteers to ensure the food bank shelves are adequately filled.
- Discussed a possible welcome-back program to bring non-practicing Catholics back to their faith.
- The Archdiocese no longer requires COVID protocols, including sanitizing prior to communion.
- Opportunities for programs through the Holy Family retreat center and elsewhere should be made known to our parish.
The current members of the Pastoral Council Members are Terry Bedard, Donna Berger, Deacon Bill Dziatko, Kim Franklin, David Garrido-Cid, Rob Gingras, Megan Grindle, Mary Kate Hallisey, Sarah Johnson, Brittany Solony, Tod Umbach, Damien Walsh, and Deacon Steve Weaver.
The Pastoral Council meets regularly to consider and discuss our parish’s Pastoral and Spiritual needs. Click here to share your thoughts with the Pastoral Council.