Pastoral Council Snapshot from the Mar. 11, 2024 Meeting:
- Father Anthony Federico has been appointed as Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Hartford. He will work to raise awareness of both pastoral and lay vocations. A vocation committee is being established at our parish.
- Mary Helmlinger will assume the position of parish Ministry Director. Mary will work with the various parish ministries to assess needs and goals and discuss ideas.
- Pastoral Council member Terry Bedard is assisting parishioner Walter Twachtman in developing an evangelization program for Catholics who have stopped attending Mass and participating in sacraments. Terry and Walter are assembling a committee to plan a welcome-back event.
- The Pastoral Council held a discussion on “Worship” as an essential element of parish life. Our discussion focused on the importance of the Sunday Eucharist. Many positive aspects of our current Sunday Liturgy were identified, as well as a number of challenges and areas for improvement. Parishioners’ input on this topic is always appreciated.
The current Pastoral Council Members are Terry Bedard, Donna Berger, Deacon Bill Dziatko, Kim Franklin, David Garrido-Cid, Rob Gingras, Megan Grindle, Mary Kate Hallisey, Sarah Johnson, Brittany Solony, Tod Umbach, Damien Walsh, and Deacon Steve Weaver.
The Pastoral Council meets regularly to consider and discuss our parish’s Pastoral and Spiritual needs. Click here to share your thoughts with the Pastoral Council.