November 2023 Pastoral Council Snapshot

Pastoral Council Snapshot from the November 6, 2023 Meeting:

  • Fr. Mark is in the process of appointing a ministry coordinator to assist with increasing the volunteer base, reviewing the missions/goals of the various ministries, and maximizing efficiency in operation with a faith-filled focus on the needs of the parishioners.
  • Pastoral Council members will continue to liaise with current ministries to focus ministry participants on the core virtues of faith, hope, and love as they carry out their duties.
  • The Pastoral Council is pursuing additional means of publicizing our parish and inviting Catholic individuals and families to return to the habit of regular attendance at Mass.
  • Construction work on the parking lot is nearing completion. Installation of the new sound system has been delayed but should be completed around December 2.

The current members of the Pastoral Council Members are Terry Bedard, Donna Berger, Deacon Bill Dziatko, Kim Franklin, David Garrido-Cid, Rob Gingras, Megan Grindle, Mary Kate Hallisey, Sarah Johnson, Brittany Solony, Tod Umbach, Damien Walsh, and Deacon Steve Weaver.

The Pastoral Council meets regularly to consider and discuss our parish’s Pastoral and Spiritual needs. Click here to share your thoughts with the Pastoral Council