The Lord's Prayer

  • Pope Benedict XVI wrote “The meaning of the Our Father goes much further than the mere provision of a prayer text. It aims to form our being, to train us in the inner attitude of Jesus.”  Together read this article which will assist you to dive deeper into the true meaning of this prayer.  Share your thoughts.

Hail Mary

  • Together as a family watch this video on The Hail Mary and discuss your thoughts. What stood out to you? 

The Rosary

  • The rosary is a devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary.  Together as a family watch the video below to learn how to pray the rosary. Also use this reference to guide you.  Share your thoughts.

Prayer Types

  • Traditionally, Catholic prayers fall into five types: Blessing and Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, and Praise.  Use this document as a reference and spend some time as a family together in prayer. Refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) for further explanation about these types of prayer. Share your thoughts.


Creating a prayer space

  • Creating a prayer space in your home is an easy way to facilitate this universal human need for more quiet, prayerful reflection.  Reference this article on how to create one in 4 easy steps.

Praying for those in need

  • Remembering those in need in our prayer intentions is so important. Another way is to create prayer bracelets for family and friends. Use this article as a reference.  

Pope Francis's The Five Finger Prayer

  • Watch the video below on the Five Finger Prayer from Pope Francis.  You can color this document and share these bookmarks with friends and family.   

Talking to God

  • We can talk to God about whatever we want, whether it’s about our worries, asking for forgiveness or just having a conversation. It’s okay to ask God for what you need, but have you considered asking what He wants of you? Remember God is always listening, in control and stronger than anything we might face. As you watch the two videos below, think about yourself and your family and write a prayer of gratitude to God for His many blessings.  

  • There are many creative and beautiful ways to connect with God through prayer.  In each, listening is as equally important as is speaking. Watch the video below, read Psalms 23 and then choose one of the prayer practices:  Lectio Divina or Ignatian MeditationHow did this style of reflection & prayer bring you closer to God?  Did you feel you had a deeper understanding of your relationship with God? Would you consider this form of prayer with your family?