For the remainder of this Lent 2022, we will alternate weekly between our current two choices of form for the Stations of the Cross. This avenue will expose us to a greater variety of reflection and prayer, broaden our Lenten experience and unite us more closely together.
I trust and hope you are well in the midst of the world’s turmoil and uncertainty. We continue to pray, whenever we gather, for the poor people of Ukraine who are forced to endure such evil and unnecessary circumstances. I found myself reflecting this past week on a decision I made and would now like to modify. It is in regard to the form we are using for the Stations of the Cross. I have decided, that for the remainder of this Lent, we will alternate each week between our current two choices. This avenue will expose us to a greater variety of reflection and prayer, broaden our Lenten experience and unite us more closely together.
During this next year, in consultation with our deacons, I will create a new form of the Stations of the Cross for our parish to use in 2023 and beyond. I am grateful for your understanding and patience in this regard. May we keep our eyes always fixed on Christ, who alone is the reason for our life and hope!