Dear Parishioners:
I want to take this opportunity to tell you about an expansion in the ministry of our Parish Pastoral Council. As you know, the Pastoral Council oversees our parish’s pastoral and spiritual needs. To that end, I am happy to announce that each member of the Pastoral Council will be assigned to lead a particular parish ministry. This is meant to accomplish two things: providing consistent pastoral leadership across all aspects of parish life that will provide consistency in parish vision and acting as a liaison between parish ministries and the Pastoral Council.
Current pastoral assignments are as follows:
- Hospitality (including Coffee…and): Tricia Quinn
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mary Kate Hallisey
- Readers: Terry Bedard
- Welcoming Ministry (parish outreach for newly registered parishioners): Megan Grindle and Donna Berger
- Faith Formation: Donna Berger
- Healthcare Ministry: Erin Sullivan
- Lazarus Ministry (Funeral Planning and Bereavement): Kim Franklin
- Baptismal Ministry: Sarah Johnson and Deacon Steve
- Social Justice Ministry (including outreach services to Immacare): Jeff Minkos and Tod Umbach
- Fall Festival: Erin Sullivan and Damien Walsh
- Greeters: Damien Walsh
- Altar Servers: Deacon Bill
While not every parish ministry is represented above, this acts as a beginning. Others will be added as time goes on. Some of these assignments, such as the Fall Festival, are temporary, pending further ministry developments. Pastoral Council members will contact current ministry heads in the very near future to assess current practices and establish future goals. One particular objective is ensuring that all of our ministries have “shared leadership” and are easily accessible to parishioners who may want to get involved.
This is extremely important as our parish continues to change and grow. I want to thank everyone involved in a parish ministry for their dedication and consistent hard work. It is appreciated.
In Christ,
Father Mark S. Suslenko, Pastor