“Anyone who has ever loved knows that love is never easy.
“Anyone who has ever loved knows that love is never easy. In fact, St. Theresa of Calcutta says for love to be real, it has to cost. It has to hurt. It has to empty us of self. That’s true of our love for neighbors. Our love for a neighbor doesn’t involve those things that just simply come easy for us but involves those things that become more difficult for us. And it all has to do with that emptying of self-peace. And that’s the part that we resist.” – Father Mark
What does “emptying of self” mean? What is Jesus asking us to do when he asks us to “empty ourselves of ourselves? Father Mark guides us through the seven sins that negate love and emptying of self in this Weekly Homilies episode entitled “The Seven Sins That Negate Love.” It’s available for streaming or download here.