Welcome to Holy Thursday – Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper (March 28, 2024) from SS. Isidore and Maria Parish at St. Paul Church, Glastonbury, Connecticut
Today’s readings
Today’s worship aid
Opening Hymn: Lord, Who At Thy First Eucharist
Reception of the Holy Oils: Ruth Atwell, Kathleen Blake, and Mary Lou Tanski present the oils given to our parish, received at the Chrism Mass this past Tuesday, and blessed by Archbishop Blair.
Renewal of Commitment to the Sacramental Priesthood: Damien Walsh leads our Pastor, Fr. Mark, as well as Fr. Ed, Dcn. Bill Dziatko and Dcn. Steve Weaver in renewing their commitment to the sacramental priesthood.
Renewal of Commitment to the Ministry of the Church Penitential Act: Kyrie Eleison
First reading: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
Psalm: Our blessing cup is a communion with the blood of Christ
Second Reading:1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Acclamation verse: I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you.
Gospel Reading: John 13:1-15
Homily Mandatum (Washing of feet) (Hymn: So You Must Do) Prayer of the Faithful
Preparation hymn: Praise to the Holiest in the Height
Holy Holy Holy
Mystery of Faith: We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again.
Agnus Dei
Communion: Panis Angelicus, Emily Walsh, soprano, Tim Proctor, tenor
Communion Meditation: Ave Verum Corpus
The Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Hymn during procession: Pange Lingua Gloriosi/Tantum Ergo)
Transfer meditation: Stay with Me
Stripping of the Sanctuary (participants leave in silence)
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