Baptismal Robes

Prepare individuals and families to receive the holy sacraments – Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage. Note: Preparation for children to receive the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation for the first time and Confirmation for teens is through our Faith Formation ministry. For adults who have stepped away from their Catholic faith or are new to it, our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program prepares individuals/couples to receive the sacraments and support them and their families in their educational and spiritual journey. These classes begin in September and culminate with receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass. Initial support for Holy Orders is through our Vocations ministry.

Baptism: Provide parents of every baby baptized at St. Paul with a handmade, cotton batiste baptismal robe. With instructions provided, volunteers cut out the pattern and sew robes at home.

Marriage: Help engaged couples prepare for marriage and the wedding ceremony, including Mass with the Holy Eucharist. Couples are asked to individually complete a confidential assessment of their views on their relationship, communication styles, problem-solving approaches, religious beliefs, finances, and approaches to parenting. Ministry leaders use the results of that assessment to develop a customized curriculum for each couple to discuss critical areas where they are aligned and where they may be misaligned. Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators assist the celebrant by walking the wedding party through the procession and reviewing the main elements of the wedding Mass on the evening before the wedding. Rehearsals take about one hour; the number of rehearsals depends on the number of scheduled weddings.

Time is dependent on the number of baptisms and weddings planned for any given month. Generally, each baptismal robe requires approximately 8 – 10 hours to create. Time varies and is flexible for volunteers involved in marriage preparation, RCIA, and Anointing of the Sick.

Parish Main Office
Phone: 860-633-9419


Engaged Couples

Four Sundays per year, engaged couples from our deanery attend an afternoon conference at St. Paul Church as part of their marriage preparation. The group can range from 15 to 40 couples at each conference.

Currently there are eight married couples from St. Paul and St. Augustine Churches on the team of presenters. Each conference is typically led by a team of two couples.

Once the presenting couple is acclimated to the ministry, there is at most one meeting prior to each conference, scheduled at the convenience of the participants.


Wedding Rehearsal Coordinator

The Wedding Rehearsal Coordinator assists the Pastor by walking the wedding party through the procession and reviews the main elements of the Wedding Mass with them the evening prior to the wedding.
